Care FAQs
Q: What age range do we offer residential care to? A: From the age of 18 years and we have no age limit
Q: Who can refer an individual for residential care at Epilepsy Society? A: Epilepsy Society will accept applications from individuals, their families/carers, social workers (local authorities) or health professionals
Q: Is there a criteria for residential care at Epilepsy Society? A: The residents here have epilepsy, learning disabilities and often other health issues.
Q: What area does our Domiciliary care service cover? A: Our Domiciliary Care service currently covers South Buckinghamshire.
For all care enquiries please call 01494 601 374.
Care services
We are the leading charity care provider, where people love to work and live. Our wide range of care is tailored to the needs of each individual, and our professional staff are committed to maximising the life potential of everyone within our care homes.
Medical services
The Chalfont Centre and our Gowers unit lead the way in the most advanced techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy.
The ultimate goals of our current research are to spearhead personalised treatment and to incorporate genomic diagnosis into the NHS for people with epilepsy.