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Maria thinks that her paintbrush is the best drug she's ever had

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Rhia Arden

Maria thinks that her paintbrush is the best drug she's ever had

Maria Pia is Italian and has epilepsy. She explains how painting helps her epilepsy.

I'm Maria and I was diagnosed with epilepsy 10 years ago, when I was 25. I have absence seizures. My absence seizures come without warning - I lose muscle control, I can't talk and I can't understand what is happening. I slowly lost my memory and have not a lot of memories left.

Unfortunately, my seizures are drug resistant. That's why I'm looking forward to surgery to make that all stop, fingers crossed!

I don't describe myself as a painter, but art helps me to communicate what I can't say in words. I think my paintbrush is the best drug I've ever had.

I've been painting for a year now and my art expresses all that I can't say during my 'dark moments'. These 'black instants' only last a few seconds, but art if forever and ever - it is the only 'drug' that is working for me!

More information

You can view the rest of Maria's artwork on our Flickr gallery.


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