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Wellbeing and epilepsy

Having epilepsy can have a huge impact on a person's wellbeing including their mood, sleep and relationships. 

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Wellbeing and epilepsy

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Taking care of your wellbeing

In this section we look at ways you can take care of your wellbeing such as exercise, diet and having a support network. Looking after your wellbeing can help you to reduce seizures and function better in your daily life.

Exercise and sport

Exercise and sport improve fitness, energy, and mood, and can help to relieve stress. Improving overall health and wellbeing in this way can help reduce seizures and the impact of epilepsy for some people. 

Finding support

Epilepsy and seizures can affect people in different ways. Support can mean finding understanding, ways to cope, or to feel more in control about living with epilepsy. Here are various ways that you can find support if you need it.

Sleep and epilepsy

Having a good night's sleep helps our brains to recover from the day's events, so that we can function well the next day. For some people with epilepsy a lack of sleep can make seizures more likely to happen, for others having seizures at night can make them feel tired during the day.


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