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Looking after yourself

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Looking after yourself

Information for people with epilepsy on complementary therapies, diet, exercise, sport and support networks.

Finding support

Epilepsy and seizures can affect people in different ways. Support can mean finding understanding, ways to cope, or to feel more in control about living with epilepsy. Here are various ways that you can find support if you need it.

Mental health and epilepsy

Epilepsy affects everyone differently. Some people with epilepsy may find that problems with their mood or mental health can affect their epilepsy and how it is managed. How you feel may be different and your view of epilepsy may also change over time.

Exercise and sport

Exercise and sport improve fitness, energy, and mood, and can help to relieve stress. Improving overall health and wellbeing in this way can help reduce seizures and the impact of epilepsy for some people. 


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