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Sodium valproate latest

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Sodium Valproate Latest

Below we have collated the latest information relating to Sodium Valproate

We call for urgent investment in research as report puts lifetime cost of harm caused by epilepsy medications as high as £2.5m

A new report shows that the lifetime costs of harm caused by exposure to epilepsy medications during pregnancy could be as high as £2.5m. That is the cost for one child exposed to high-risk drugs during pregnancy and includes costs to the NHS, education and welfare systems, the affected individual, their family and wider society. The cost to the NHS alone is over half a million.

Sodium valproate

Sodium valproate is an epilepsy drug prescribed for all seizure types including absence, myoclonus and tonic clonic seizures. New regulations have been introduced by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) around the way in which the drug, sodium valproate is prescribed to women and girls of childbearing age. 

Sanofi reports issues around safety study into valproate

New prescribing practices for valproate were introduced in December last year, after a safety study suggested there could be risk of harm for babies through paternal exposure pre-conception. Now the drug manufacturer says there are issues with the safety study and that further analysis is necessary.
It is important never to stop taking valproate – or any medication – without consulting your doctor.

Epilepsy Society welcomes new measures to ensure no babies are exposed to sodium valproate during pregnancy

New measures announced to stop babies being exposed to valproate in the womb Valproate medicines are available in the UK under brand names such as Epilim, Epival, Episenta, Convulex and Orlept No girl or woman should stop taking valproate without first consulting her doctor.

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency logo

Information from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

Read information produced by the MHRA around sodium valproate. 

Valproate organisations

The following groups have been set up by patients to help women who have children affected by valproate during pregnancy:

FACS-aware - 07739 411 373
FACS Association - 01253 799 161
OACS - 07904 200 364


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