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Labour Party Manifesto 2024

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Labour Party Manifesto Key Points

Reduce Waitlists (Major Focus – part of the 6 ‘first steps’)
•    40,000 more appointments each week by … 
      o    Incentivising medical workers to work in the evenings and on the weekends. 
      o    Sharing waiting lists across neighbouring hospitals. 
      o    Utilising capacity in the independent sector. 
•    A wait of no-longer than 18 weeks from referral to treatment for non-urgent health conditions.  

Procurement & Prescriptions
•    Develop an NHS innovation and adoption strategy in England. This will include a plan for procurement, giving a clearer route to get products into the NHS, coupled with reformed incentive structures to drive innovation and faster regulatory approval for new technology and medicines. 
•    Create a Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service, granting more pharmacists independent prescribing rights. 
•    Scrap short funding cycles for key R&D institutions in favour of ten-year budgets.

Other Points
•    Committed to the ‘New Hospitals Programme’
•    Committed to long-term NHS Workforce Plan, focussing on midwives & GPs
•    Trial Neighbourhood Health Centres

•    700,000 more urgent dental appointments 
•    Reform of the dental contract  

Social Care
•    Create a National Care Service with national standards, with treatment focussed on supporting people to live independently for as long as possible.

Mental Health 
•    Ensure mental health is given the same attention as physical health. 
•    8,500 new staff to treat children and adults 
•    New ‘Young Futures’ hubs to provide open access mental health services for children and young people

Preventative Approach 
•    Double the number of CT and MRI scanners
•    Implement a rolling ban on the sale of cigarettes
•    Build on the Online Safety Act to protect young people online

Supporting people with disabilities 
•    Reform or replace the Work Capability Assessment. 
•    Introduce the right to equal pay for disabled people and disability pay gap reporting for large corporations 
•    Review Universal Credit

Update national planning policy 
•    Make it easier to build: (specifically mentioned…)
      o    Roads, railways, reservoirs, laboratories, digital infrastructure, and gigafactories.

Build 1.5 million homes (Major Focus – part of the 6 ‘first steps’)
•    By updating National Policy Planning Framework, including reintroducing mandatory housing targets, and recruiting additional local planning officers.



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