Be a radio or tv star on Purple Day
Would you like to help us raise awareness about epilepsy on Purple Day (26 March) by talking about your experience of epilepsy on national and regional radio and tv?
This year our theme is ‘Stand up to seizures’ and we want to hear about how epilepsy impacts your life, what the daily challenges are both at home and in the workplace, but also, whether your seizures are affected by unusually hot summers. With some of the heatwaves we have experienced in recent years, has the changing temperature affected your epilepsy? Have you experienced more seizures? Has the hot weather has been a trigger, either through the increased heat or not being able to sleep as well?
We are looking for people from all across the UK and you must be over the age of 18. We cannot guarantee that you will be invited for interview and please note that interviews may be pre-recorded in the week before Purple Day. However, we love to learn more about your experiences of living with epilepsy and the more people share their story, the more we can connect with people and raise awareness.
Please fill in this form and submit it to the press office and we will be in touch.