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Jasmine talks epilepsy and work experience

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Jasmine talks epilepsy and work experience

Jasmine Banovic talks about her epilepsy and why she is doing work experience at Epilepsy Society.

Having been living with absence epilepsy from the age of 10, I have an understanding of the demands of the condition. The emotional drain on not only the person living with epilepsy, but also the effect on people closest to you. Being diagnosed with epilepsy is a confusing, scary and daunting time. 

I have always said that epilepsy is so much more than just the seizure. I find it has a knock on effect on everything around you.  A big part of that is the possibility of medication side effects. Personally I find this very challenging, I take a combination of medications: lamotrigine and ethosuximide. Thankfully, they control my seizures, but I also get a long list of side effects with it that affect me on a daily basis.

Secondary school

At the time I was diagnosed, I was in full-time secondary school education. I found epilepsy had a huge effect on my schooling, as my attendance was low due to hospital appointments, seizures and medication side effects. I found the schooling system didn't seem to have much of an understanding behind epilepsy and felt abandoned by my teachers and the failed support system that was in place.

Epilepsy also affects my social life, which is a key part of growing up as a teenager. I strongly believe my time at school would have been a much more enjoyable and a successful experience, if the teachers had a better understanding of epilepsy. This has lead me to be very passionate about making a difference in this area of society.

Thankfully through hard work and determination, I managed to gain a good number  of GCSEs, which led me to a sixth form that had a stronger support system in place and allowed me to explore my interest in Art and Design through A-levels.

University life

After my A-levels, I went on to study Graphic Design at the University of Gloucestershire. As well as design, I am extremely passionate about raising awareness for epilepsy, which is why I felt the Epilepsy Society is a fantastic place to gain experience.

Due to my personal experience of living with epilepsy, it has inspired me to work with epilepsy charities. Therefore, I felt Epilepsy Society would allow me to explore this. Also, I liked the idea of being in an environment where I use my skills, but also gain others within an industry I am very passionate about.

I am interested in understanding the process of how the communications  and marketing departments work within a charity. Having turned to the charity myself in the past for advice and support, I was keen to see how the charity worked to offer such a helpful service. I am very excited to spend a week at the Epilepsy Society in order to gain experience.

Although epilepsy is a very daunting and challenging experience to go through, it makes you a very strong, determined and a resilient individual.

The views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily those of Epilepsy Society.


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