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Reform UK's Contract

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Reform UK's Contract

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Benefits:
•    Reform the benefits system to ensure those who can work do work.
•    Introduce face-to-face assessments for PIP and Work Capability Assessment, requiring independent medical assessments for eligibility.

Mental Health:
•    Emphasize employment as critical to improving mental health, with tax relief for businesses that undertake apprenticeships.

•    Face-to-face assessments for PIP and Work Capability Assessment, with exemptions for those with severe disabilities or serious long-term illnesses.

•    Proposals to improve NHS staffing and social care which could indirectly support carers by improving overall healthcare services.

Public Transport:
•    Accelerate transport infrastructure improvements, focusing on coastal regions, Wales, the North, and the Midlands.

Social Care:
•    Commence a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the social care system.
•    Simplify social care funding through a single funding stream instead of the current split between NHS and Local Authorities.

Climate and Environment:
•    Scrap Net Zero and related subsidies to cut bills and restore growth.
•    Encourage new technologies for cleaner energy, such as small modular reactors, ethical UK lithium mining, and tidal power.

•    Introduce policies to make work pay and motivate people back to work, including lifting the income tax start point to £20,000 per year.
•    Enforce a 2-strike rule for job offers, where benefits are withdrawn if job offers are refused twice.

Cost of Living:
•    Scrap energy levies and Net Zero to slash energy bills and save each household £500 per year.

Healthcare and the NHS:
•    Proposals to end doctor and nurse shortages by offering tax breaks and removing training caps for medical students.
•    Introduce tax relief of 20% on all private healthcare and insurance to relieve pressure on the NHS.
•    Implement a voucher scheme for NHS patients to receive private treatment if NHS services are delayed.
•    All frontline NHS and social care staff to pay zero basic rate tax for 3 years. 


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