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Unlocking the code through genomics

"What we want to do with genomics is to bring in all the information that the genome contains so that we can better tailor treatment for each individual."

Sanjay Sisodiya is Professor of Neurology at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Honorary Consultant Neurologist at the UCLH National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Director of Genomics at Epilepsy Society.

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The future of genomics

Our hope for the future is to find the right treatment, for example the right drug, at the right dosage, from the point of diagnosis. Genomic medicine has the potential to transform the way we care for people with epilepsy, and we believe that whole genome sequencing will help us to unravel the genetic architecture underlying the different types of epilepsy.

We hope it will help us determine the cause of a person’s seizures, their response to anti-epileptic medication and their susceptibility to Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), and that this will enable us to prescribe more personalised, targeted treatments and reduce the burden that epilepsy places on many people’s lives.

Dr Krithika Iyer Sundararaman, postdoctoral research fellow, using whole exome sequencing technology to read DNA at Epilepsy Society's Chalfont Centre (pictured right). 

360-degree experience

360-degree experience

Take part in our immersive 360-degree experience which takes you on the journey of a genome through our wet laboratory based at The Chalfont Centre in Buckinghamshire. Walk around our laboratory while our research team explains what happens to a patient's genome at every stage through video and interactive elements.

Our researchers

subtitle: Meet the team

Meet the team at Epilepsy Society leading the way in global research. Our team are passionate about translating research findings to improve the lives of people with epilepsy.


Case studies

Find out how a genetic diagnosis has made a difference to the lives of people with epilepsy.


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