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New training course equips universities with the know-how for supporting students with epilepsy

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Mandy Ryan

New training course equips universities with the know-how for supporting students with epilepsy

We recently ran an epilepsy awareness course for higher education institutions, to help build understanding of how to support students with the condition.

Staff representing nine universities across the UK attended the online course at the end of September. As well as covering general information on epilepsy and how to help someone if they have a seizure, the training also explored the impacts the condition can have on mental health, and the effects of some medications on learning, memory and concentration.


Starting university is an exciting time, but it can present additional challenges and anxieties for students with epilepsy. It’s important for staff and peers to know how to support them, and students may also need to monitor how they respond to common seizure triggers associated with university life, like stress, alcohol or poor sleep.

It’s the first time we’ve run a course for universities, and we’re hoping to do more in the future. We want all university staff to have a good understanding of how to support students with epilepsy, so that they can stay safe and get the most out of university life.

If you or a member of your family are at university and would like staff to know more about epilepsy, please put them in touch with us. You can find further information and contact details on our training page.


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