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Epilepsy Society welcomes international recruits

Epilepsy Society welcomes international recruits

Epilepsy Society welcomed several international recruits to join our care services team by partnering with an overseas workers' programme.

At Epilepsy Society we pride ourselves on innovation, and thinking outside the box, to find new ways to deliver world leading research, advocacy, and care. 

So we are pleased to welcome new members to our care services team by partnering with an overseas workers’ programme. The scheme has enabled us to connect with people from all over the world who are passionate about working in social care, helping others, and moving to the UK.

They have quickly become valued members of our team looking after 100 people with complex epilepsy and associated disabilities.

Our first round of international recruits joined on 14 August, from Sri Lanka, Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and are already part of the team. We have already welcomed our next round of recruits, bringing the total up to nine.

The hiring process took months, each candidate completed a series of interviews and background checks. 

Acting Director of Care Services, Rebecca Salvatierra said, “We were astonished by the level of response we got from all over the world. In our initial meetings many candidates had researched Epilepsy Society and were as enthusiastic to join our organisation as they were to move to the UK.

“They have settled into their respective teams extremely quickly and are a genuine joy to work with, contributing to life at our Chalfont Centre in many ways. One of the things we have been most impressed by is their unwavering positivity.

“Turning our search overseas has had a huge number of benefits. Our recruits have a wealth of experience in care, are extremely diligent, knowledgeable, positive and what we are most impressed by is their unrelenting drive to work hard for the people we support.”

We look forward to welcoming more international recruits from across the world!

To learn more about the care services we provide: Care services | Epilepsy Society


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