Welcome to our online shop
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that any orders placed for Purple Day will arrive on time. If you have any questions, please email fundraising@epilepsysociety.org.uk.
Shop categories
Epilepsy information
We have a wide range of resources including information on seizure first aid, for people who have just been diagnosed and epilepsy basics.
Our range of merchandise includes an enamel ribbon pin badge, pens, T-shirts and more!
Enamel Ribbon Pin Badge
Trolley Keyring
Purple Pen
Supporter T-shirt
Gus the Gnome
Information resources
Living with epilepsy
Information for people living with epilepsy
Downloadable leaflets and factsheets
Browse our free downloadable leaflets and factsheets which include information on a variety of topics
First aid
Information on first aid with seizures
Medication & treatment
A selection of resources about medication and treatment for epilepsy
For Healthcare professionals
We have resources available for health professionals working with people with epilepsy.
Easy read
a selection of easy read resources about epilepsy.
Just diagnosed with epilepsy?
Contact us
For enquiries about our merchandise, please contact our fundraising team on 01494 601 414 or email fundraising@epilepsysociety.org.uk
For enquiries about out epilepsy information, please contact our helpline on 01494 601 400 or email helpine@epilepsysociety.org.uk ( Helpline hours: Monday and Wednesday - 9am to 7.30pm, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday - 9am to 4pm, Saturday - 9am to 12.30pm, (We're not open on bank holidays).