Having a seizure while cycling
Cyclist Tim Fry had a seizure while out on his bike. His video camera captured the seizure and here Tim is happy to share the footage in the hopes that it will help others to understand just what it is like to have a seizure and the time it can take to recover.
Neurologist talks school rugby after son's concussion
Professor Matthias Koepp is a neurologist at Epilepsy Society. He is also father to two teenage boys, Noah, 16, (left, below) and Joshua, 13. Both of them are keen rugby players. Here he talks about the dilemma of being both a dad and a neurologist on the touchline and about his anxiety following Noah's recent concussion during a game.
Focus on complex focal seizures
In the fifth of a new series of blogs Epilepsy Society's Ben O'Keefe clears up some misconceptions around epilepsy and the different epileptic seizures that can occur.
Epilepsy Society replies to Katie Hopkins
This week Katie Hopkins has challenged our 'seize the day' campaign - a joint awareness campaign with River Island and Young Epilepsy. Sarah Vibert, director of external affairs at Epilepsy Society, replies.
Suzanne's story
After 20 years of epilepsy and a cocktail of medications, Suzanne Elliott has written her first novel, And I Love Her. She explains how writing has helped her shape a new life.
From black cabs to blackouts
Londoner and former black cab driver Ian Starkey refuses to be beaten by a stroke which left him with reduced mobility and epilepsy. He's written a touching account of his life in a book called From Black Cabbing to Blackouts. This is his story...