Too scared to smile
subtitle: #FixIt4Free
Losing teeth due to a seizure can not only ruin a smile, it can risk ruining confidence too. In the latest in our #FixIt4Free personal stories, we learn how Toby's life changed after a series of seizures.
Six extractions but no replacements
subtitle: #FixIt4Free
A man from Dorset has had to have six teeth extracted due to his epileptic seizures – but the NHS is not willing to provide financial support to get them replaced.
X decision to remove ‘block’ feature will increase vulnerability of disabled people
The Epilepsy Society has criticised a decision by Elon Musk to remove the ‘block’ feature from his X social media platform.
Dental injuries "because of my epilepsy - not accidents"
subtitle: #FixIt4Free
Hayley's life turned on its head when she started having seizures five years ago. One unexpected, major consequence of her epilepsy is the array of dental problems it has caused.
Tell your MP to #FixIt4Free
We are urging you to write to your MP and ask them to support free dental repairs to teeth damaged by seizures.
Me & My Shadow: breaking news
Two young women with epilepsy "stole the show" when reading the news during a recent Me & My Shadow placement at ITV.