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Challenge 100

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Challenge 100 2025!

There is only one rule with this Challenge, you must complete 100 miles in 100 days. How you complete it, is up to you!

When: 1 January 2025 - 10 April 2025
Distance: 100 miles 
Fundraising Target: If you raise at least £100, you'll receive a Challenge 100 medal! 

Participate individually or as a team, and raise vital funds for the 1 in 100 people living with epilepsy in the UK.

To read our Frequently Asked Questions, please click here

Team pic

Create or Join a Challenge 100 team!

Teams can virtually come together from anywhere in the country (or the world).
When you sign up for Challenge 100 create a team and invite friends, family or colleagues to join in the fun.

All of our Challenge 100 teams will have:

• A team fundraising page!
• A team leaderboard - race to the top and complete the greatest number of miles in 100 days!
• Support from the Epilepsy Society fundraising team


When will my t-shirt arrive?

Thank you so much to everyone who ordered t-shirts as part of their registration process, we are working hard to get these sent and you should expect yours in the next couple of weeks. These are processed and expected to be delivered within 10 working days but the bank holidays may cause some delays, but these are getting processed as fast as possible.

How do I fundraise as part of a team?

Through the sign-up process, it gives you an option to ‘create a team’ or ‘join a team’, if there is already a team created by your teammate, you can search for this and join it or if you would like to set up a team page, clicking this will create a specific team page link. Once this is set up, ask people to donate to the team page to ensure that all donations to your team are shown towards your team total.

How can I encourage more donations to my page?

Our top tip is to personalise your page with as much detail as possible – this includes adding a profile photo, personalising your reasons for taking on the challenge and making regular updates about your challenge and progress.

How do I share my fundraising page with friends and family?

When you’re on your fundraising page you should see a ‘Share your page’ box on the right-hand side. There are three icons in this box: the first shares your page to your Facebook account, the second your twitter account and the third copies the direct link to your fundraising page onto your clipboard so you can paste the direct link into emails, messages or social media platforms.

When will my water bottle arrive?

Everyone who raises £30 will be sent a metal water bottle to say thank you! The bottles will start being sent out in January so please don’t worry if yours hasn’t arrived yet.

How do I log miles on my Enthuse fundraising page?

Logging your miles is a great way of showing your supporters the progress that you are making. You can do this by linking your Strava app to your Enthuse account or you can add the miles manually. Follow this link to find out how to do this.


We send monthly e-newsletters to keep you informed with tips for managing epilepsy, the latest news, inspirational stories, fundraising opportunities and further information from Epilepsy Society.

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