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Emma would like to increase the awareness of epilepsy

Emma was diagnosed with epilepsy three years ago, but has been seizure free for around a year. She has recently started doing some volunteer work with epilepsy charities such as Epilepsy Action doing awareness presentation training in schools and workplaces and is currently undertaking an accredited volunteer position with them. However, she is keen to expand her volunteer work into sharing her story and is keen to help with raising awareness in any way she can.

Fits and starts: running, falling, fleeing

A book about what? Why? Oh! There’s always an oh! I wrote a memoir about living with epilepsy. Living with epilepsy: a contradiction in terms? Would the word ‘surviving’ be more appropriate? Perhaps, for some, for many. When the idea was first suggested to me I laughed out loud. That nervous laugh, the one wreaking of self doubt and ambivalence. Then, after a particularly bad cluster of seizures I decided to give it a go- I had nothing to lose and there’s only so many times you can watch Bruce Willis save the world barefoot.


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