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New technique looks inside the brain to understand more about epilepsy

Dr Simona Balestrini, the Muir Maxwell Trust Research Fellow at Epilepsy Society and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, has embarked on a three year project using a pioneering technique to look at the activity of the brain in people with epilepsy. Here she explains what she hopes to achieve in her work with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) used in conjunction with electroencephalography (EEG).

Mel's story

Mel talks about her experience from being first diagnosed with epilepsy, to becoming pregnant and seeking treatment and support from Epilepsy Society at our Sir William Gowers medical centre.

#TravelKind - Tom Ryan-Elliot's story

If you travel on the London Underground or across the capital by bus, you may recognise Tom's face. He has been part of Transport for London's Priority Seating Campaign which aims to raise awareness of hidden disabilities on public transport. Tom has been the face of epilepsy. Here he talks about his epilepsy and the difficulties of taking a priority seat when you are a healthy looking young man.

Epilepsy Society residents go skiing

Professor Matthias Koepp is training to be an adaptive snowsport instructor so that he can share the thrill of the slopes with the residents with epilepsy and other complex needs at Epilepsy Society. Recently, with help from Epilepsy Society's activities team, he took 3 of the residents skiing at Hemel Hempstead's Snow Centre. Watch our video of the day at the bottom of the page.


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