Our Gender Pay Gap - 2019
From 6 April 2017, any employer in the UK with more than 250 employees is required by law to publish their gender pay gap annually, covering both pay and bonuses. The Epilepsy Society is committed to equality and inclusion, and we welcome the Government's requirements.
In our second year of reporting, our mean gender pay gap is -7.16%. This means men who work at the charity are paid slightly less than women. The difference between them in their average hourly rate of pay is 0.88p.
We are confident that our gender pay gap does not stem from paying men and women differently for the same or equivalent work. Rather, our gender pay gap is the result of the roles in which men and women work within the charity and the salaries that these roles merit.
Our median gender pay gap is -15.48%. The difference in the median average hourly rate of pay is £1.53 with women commanding a slightly higher hourly rate and is therefore shown as a negative figure. This reflects the higher number of women within the charity. This is not unusual within care providers which tend to be female-dominated particularly in those roles providing front-line care services to residents.
However, women at the Epilepsy Society are also well represented in our middle and senior management teams. And our median gender pay gap reflects the composition of our staff.
Our current gender make-up
Our current gender pay gap
Mean pay gap | -7.16% |
Median pay gap | -15.48% |
Bonus data
No bonus data to report as the Society does not operate a bonus scheme.
The proportion of males/females in each quartile pay band is as follows:
Upper quartile (75-100% | Upper middle quartile (50-75%) | ||
Male | 23% | Male | 22% |
Female | 67% | Female | 78% |
Lower middle quartile (25-50%) | Lower quartile (0-25%) | ||
Male | 33% | Male | 39% |
Female | 67% | Female | 61% |
Based on our quartile data above, where 72% of our workforce is currently female with 28% male, we might expect to see a similar distribution of 72% female across each pay quartile and 28% of male in each quartile. The gender pay data broadly reflects this distribution.
However, we can also see within the lower quartile that we have slightly more males within this bracket; this is a result of the higher number of women within our middle and senior management posts.
To summarise, as an organisation, Epilepsy Society does not have any concerns with our gender pay gap as evidenced by the data. Our data is reflective of the fact that we, like many care providers, employ significantly more women than men.
We aim for diversity in the pool of candidates applying for roles with the charity. We shall continue with our commitment to ensuring that we recruit, select and remunerate all roles according to skills, knowledge, ability and experience as opposed to gender or other protected characteristic.
I confirm that the data reported is accurate and to the best of my knowledge.
Clare Pelham,
Chief Executive
Epilepsy Society
Our people
Read biographies for members of our board of trustees, president and vice president, and our senior management team including our CEO Clare Pelham (pictured above).
Patron, President, and Vice Presidents
Meet our president Countess Howe and our various vice presidents including Former British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Board of trustees
Read the bios of our board of trustees including our Chair Kate Alcock (above), who was appointed Chair of the board of trustees in July 2023 and our Vice Chair Jackie Sullivan.