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Downloadable factsheets
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After a first seizure - Anyone can have a single seizure at some point in their life. For some people this can be a frightening and upsetting event.
Alcohol, drugs and epilepsy - The effects of consuming alcohol and drugs.
Anti-seizure Medication - An introduction to anti-seizure medication.
Carers - Being a carer for someone with epilepsy: what help is available and organisations that can help.
Complementary therapies - Information about therapies that may help to promote wellbeing.
Childhood epilepsy syndromes - An overview and details of some specific epilepsy syndromes.
Claiming benefits - Some of the benefits you may be eligible to apply for, depending on how your epilepsy affects you, and your financial situation.
Diet and nutrition - Tips for helping you to follow a balanced diet and stay healthy.
Driving - Driving regulations and help with travel costs.
Driving regulations quick guide - Driving regulations for Group 1 driving licences (cars, motorcycles and mopeds) and includes a flow chart to help you find out how the regulations apply to you.
Employment - Whether someone’s epilepsy affects their job depends on whether they have seizures, what their seizures are like and how often they happen.
Epilepsy Care Pathway - A clear care pathway to show you what to do from the first seizure to referrals and reviews.
Epilepsy information for pharmacists - Our guide for pharmacists.
Epilepsy surgery - What epilepsy surgery involves, who can have surgery and pre-surgical tests.
Exercise and Sport - How exercise can help relieve stress levels and improve overall health.
Facts about epilepsy - A list of facts and statistics about epilepsy.
Fasting - What effect does fasting have on epilepsy.
Finding support - Sources of help and support.
First aid for epileptic seizures - What to do if someone has a seizure.
Generic and branded ASMs - How to get the same version of your ASMs with each prescription.
Just Diagnosed - How epilepsy might affect you.
Ketogenic diet - Information about a medical dietary treatment for some people with hard to control epilepsy.
Learning disability - Why and how often learning disabilities happen alongside epilepsy, and issues around behaviour.
Links between epilepsy and mood - Potential links between epilepsy and mood
Making the most of your pharmacist - How your pharmacist can help you with your epilepsy.
Memory - Some of the issues around epilepsy and memory, and what might help.
Monitoring your medication - Details about therapeutic drug monitoring.
Photosensitive epilepsy - Possible triggers for photosensitive epilepsy and ways to avoid triggers - What can be useful to know about someone's epilepsy and seizures.
Recording seizures - Information to help a doctor to confirm a diagnosis or identify the type of seizures someone is having.
Recovery position - How to put somebody in the recovery position after their seizure has stopped.
Relationships and sex - How epilepsy can affect your relationships.
Safety and risk -Information on how to manage safety and risk for those with epilepsy.
Sleep - Information on the complex relationship between epilepsy and sleep.
Stress - This factsheet looks at the links between stress and epilepsy.
SUDEP - Information on SUDEP, as well as the risk factors and how to reduce your risk.
Travel and Holidays - some ideas to consider if you are planning to travel.
VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation) therapy - How VNS therapy works, who it may help and side effects.
What help is available? - Details of free prescriptions, benefits, travel costs, and help from social services and for carers.
What is Epilepsy? - Epilepsy is a neurological condition where there is a tendency to have seizures that start in the brain.
Yellow card scheme - How to report side effects not listed on the patient information leaflet that comes with your medication.
Your appointment or review - Suggested topics that you may want to cover in your epilepsy review with your GP or neurologist.