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Contact our Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Unit

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Contact our Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Unit

Chalfont Centre switchboard number 01494 601 300


Main Laboratory 01494 601 424
Patient results and enquiries 01494 601 423
Clinical Scientist/Head of Unit Mr FP Quinlivan 01494 601 423
Consultant Clinical Scientist (part-time)  Dr EP Spencer 01494 601 424
Biomedical Scientist Ms Q Munir 01494 601 424
Laboratory Analyst Ms J Ruminska 01494 601 424
Laboratory Analyst Mr F Giovetti Coelho da Silva 01494 601 424
Quality & Administration Manager Mrs Kate Choinkowska 01494 601 423
Phlebotomy Services Ms Leah Edwin 01494 601 345
Phlebotomy Services Ms Karen Browne 01494 601 345
Medical Director Professor J. W. Sander 01494 601 343

Using the TDM service

The assay service is routinely available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. For urgent assay requests, please contact the unit in advance. The unit will report on non urgent assay requests within 3 working days of receiving the sample in the laboratory, excluding weekends or bank holidays.

Sample type

The matrix of choice is serum or plasma, and although they can be used inter-changeably it is preferable to use one or the other. In most clinical settings the measurement of total serum concentrations will suffice and indeed most routine methods for measuring AEDs in sera do not discriminate between the component of drug that is free (unbound) and that that is bound to serum proteins.


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