Contact details and travel information
To contact the inpatients department (ESRC Reception) please call 01494 917 160.
To contact the outpatients department (Gowers Reception) please call 01494 917 170.
You can also contact us online.
Our address
Chesham Lane
Chalfont St Peter
From M25 South
Leave motorway at Junction 16 (M40) and head for London. Take first exit on M40, signposted A40/A412.
At roundabout, head for Gerrards Cross on A40.
After three sets of traffic lights take the right hand fork onto the A413 to Amersham. Carry on across two roundabouts. Four hundred yards after second roundabout, turn right into Rickmansworth Lane, signposted Hornhill/Chalfont Common.
Take fourth turning on left – Monument Lane. At the end of Monument Lane, the main entrance to Epilepsy Society is straight ahead. Epilepsy Society reception is up the short drive in front of you.
From M25 North
Leave motorway at Junction 18 and head west towards Little Chalfont/Amersham on A404/Amersham Rd past Clement Danes School on left and Van Hage Garden Centre on right. As the road slows and before you get to Little Chalfont village turn left at signposted road called Church Grove which leads straight into Lodge Lane. At the little crossroads continue straight over into Roughwood Lane. Turn left at B4442/Nightingales Lane. Then turn left at Deadhearn Lane. Turn left at Gorelands Lane and then turn right at Chesham Lane. Continue on Chesham Lane and Epilepsy Society is on your left. Epilepsy Society's reception is up the short drive in front of you.
From M40 (Birmingham/Oxford)
Leave motorway at Junction 2 and follow signs for A40 Gerrards Cross. Left at traffic lights on B416 through village centre to roundabout. Take first exit A413 to Amersham. Carry on across one roundabout. Four hundred yards after roundabout, turn right into Rickmansworth Lane, signposted Hornhill/Chalfont Common.
Take fourth turning on left – Monument Lane. At the end of Monument Lane, the main entrance to Epilepsy Society is straight ahead. Epilepsy Society's reception is up the short drive in front of you.
From A40 (London)
Leave A40 at Junction 1 as it becomes M40 – signposted Slough, Rickmansworth and Amersham. Follow signs towards Gerrards Cross and after three sets of traffic lights take the right hand fork onto the A413 to Amersham. Carry on across two roundabouts. Four hundred yards after second roundabout, turn right into Rickmansworth Lane, signposted Hornhill/Chalfont Common.
Take fourth turning on left – Monument Lane. At the end of Monument Lane, the main entrance to Epilepsy Society is straight ahead. Epilepsy Society's reception is up the short drive in front of you.
A413 from South (London/Oxford)
Four hundred yards after second roundabout, turn right into Rickmansworth Lane, signposted Hornhill/Chalfont Common.
Take fourth turning on left – Monument Lane. At the end of Monument Lane, the main entrance to Epilepsy Society is straight ahead. Epilepsy Society's reception is up the short drive in front of you.
A413 from North (Amersham)
Turn left into Misbourne Avenue (by bus stop at end of long straight). Turn right at T junction onto Chesham Lane. Turn first left into Epilepsy Society's main entrance (only a few yards from Misbourne Avenue). Epilepsy Society's reception is up the short drive in front of you.
By public transport
Nearest tube: Amersham or Chalfont & Latimer on the Metropolitan Line and then by taxi.
Nearest railway station: Gerrards Cross on Chiltern Line from London Marylebone, and then by taxi from the station. Alternatively there is a limited bus service (Redline 335/353) from the station to Chalfont Common (five minutes walk to Epilepsy Society).
National train booking and information line number: 08457 484950
Taxi services
Chalfont Taxis: 01753 893131
Rely-on Car Hire: 01753 885645
Gilbert Taxis: 01494 771000
A2Z Taxis: 01494 722722
Journey time from Gerrards Cross station by taxi is five minutes. Journey time from Amersham station by taxi is 10 minutes.
Parking is free of charge at Epilepsy Society. There are two main car parks plus disability parking bays.
Booking transport
To book hospital transport please contact the Transport Department at UCLH on 0203 447 9699 or email Hospital transport is dependent on certain criteria and an assessment will be carried out to assess your eligibility.
Reclaiming transport costs
The clinical receptionist will provide you with the appropriate NHS travel expense forms and also proof of attendance to submit with your application.
Day case admissions
You may be asked to come to the Sir William Gowers Centre as a day case admission. You will not be required to stay overnight so will not need to bring an overnight bag with you. However, you should bring your medication and continue to take it as normal.
While at the Sir William Gowers Centre we will do everything we can to make you comfortable. The following information will help you to prepare for your visit. If you have any questions about your stay, please contact us on 01494 917 160.
The following information will help you to prepare for your outpatient appointment at the Sir William Gowers Centre. If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact us on 01494 917 170.