Stay Calm
1. Stay calm and take control of the situation
Cushion their head
2. Cushion their head with something soft
Call for help
3. Call an ambulance.
Download our free "Calm, Cushion, Call" poster
Download our free "Calm, Cushion, Call" poster and display it in a prominent place such as a school, workplace, surgery or library, as long as you have permission.
Download our digital resources
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First aid for epileptic seizures
Managing seizures is often simple: keeping the person safe from harm and staying with them as they fully recover afterwards.
The recovery position
Our step-by-step guide to the recovery position shows you how to help someone recover after a tonic clonic seizure. These steps should be followed once the shaking has stopped.
Our campaigns team lobby government and decision-makers on the issues that matter to people with epilepsy. From safer medicines for pregnant women to the dangers of online trolling, and from medicines supply to public transport access, we raise awareness of the daily challenges facing people with epilepsy.